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Can I use metal scouring pads or steel wool to clean my Empyrean Kitchen Sink?

Pads or Steel Wools should never be used to clean your Empyrean Kitchen Sink as they will leave a residue of small iron particles. They may not be readily visible, but they will lead to rusting and corrosion of the sink.

How do I get rid of the mineral deposits over my Empyrean Kitchen Sink?

If the mineral deposits build up over time, use a weak solution of vinegar and water to remove the deposits, followed by flushing the surface with water. The quality of your water, its salinity can affect the sinks appearance and varies from usage to usage.

Is it safe to leave hot cast iron cookware or other unfinished metals over Empyrean Kitchen Sink?

Don't leave any mild steel or cast iron cookware and implements on the Empyrean Kitchen Sink for long periods of time. The combination of iron and moisture may lead to staining over the sink.

Can I use a rubber dish matt over my Empyrean Kitchen Sink?

Avoid keeping rubber dish mats, wet sponges or cleaning pads over the Empyrean Kitchen Sink overnight as they will trap water underneath which could lead to staining and discoloration of the sink surface.

Weather the stainless steel used by Empyrean are corrosion resistant?

Empyrean's Kitchen Sinks are made up of stainless steel with a high nickel content for added corrosion resistance. A protective layer forms immediately which prevents bacteria from forming or corrosion from setting in. A mark or scratch will not damage its corrosion resistance qualities due to a protective oxide film that is self-healing. The Sinks are available in various grades like 202, 304, 316 etc.

Can I use Chlorine Bleach or Hydrochloric Acid on my sink?

Never use any Chlorine Bleach or Hydrochloric acid over any Empyrean Kitchen sink.

Does stainless steel used in Empyrean Kitchen Sinks withstand extreme temperature?

Stainless steel used in Empyrean Sinks stands up to high diversity of temperature, that is, hot or cold temperatures, along with sudden temperature changes. You may drain hot boiling noodles in your sink, followed with a rinse of ice cold water, without causing any damage to your sink's surface.

What should we mean by Sound Proof Technology in Empyrean Kitchen Sink?

Sound deadening pads are installed on all Empyrean Sink's models to eliminate unwanted sounds. In some specific models, specific technology is also used to decrease the frequency and wavelength of vibrations of sound leading to peaceful washing experience.

How tough is Stainless Steel?

The toughness of Stainless Steel depends upon its Grade. The stainless steel once cut, formed and pressed into a Empyrean Kitchen Sink, it holds its shape beautifully. And with stainless steel, there's no need to worry about chipping or staining. Stains can be removed with a mild cloth without affecting the sink's surface.

Will my new Empyrean Stainless Steel Sink scratch?

As the usage of kitchen sink is inherit harsh, your stainless steel sink may scratch with use. However, over time as the sink ages, scratches will become less apparent and in fact blend into the surface. The possibility of scratches are variable as per the usage of sink.

Can I use any smaller cabinet than what Empyrean recommends?

Ideally it is not recommended. The cabinet sizes Empyrean recommends take into account the standard cabinet drawn as per the dimensions of the sink, installation methods and hardware. Along with installation, the company foresee the possible maintenance that may arise in future course.

What is the difference between an Empyrean top-mount sink (or 'drop-in') and Empyrean under-mount sink ?

Empyrean Top-mount sinks are easily installed above the countertop. They are the easiest to install and are often the way to go for the Do-It-Yourself. Empyrean Undermount sinks are installed to the underside of the countertop and provide a seamless look. Professional installation is recommended for this application.

Why is that water is spotting my sink?

If water is left standing anywhere on your Empyrean Stainless Steel Sink, it will evaporate and leave spots on the surface of the steel. These spots can be easily removed with regular dish soap, water and a soft cloth. For removing heavier residue, see cleaning guide above. NOTE - NEVER USE ANY ACID TO CLEAN YOUR KITCHEN SINK

Can I drill faucet holes in my Empyrean Steel or Granite sink?

Never drill holes into any Empyrean Kitchen Sink. Choose specific models with faucet provisions. Any self-engineering will damage your kitchen sink & also nullify the warranty. Please follow the installation directions included with your sink packaging for further information.

Can the Empyrean Topmount sink be Undermounted?

Empyrean does not recommend that you undermount a topmount sink. This will also void the warranty on the sink.